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By Jon Marcus, The Hechinger Report
A sophomore at UC Berkeley, June Ahn comes from a family whose income is just enough to put her past the reach of much financial aid. So, like many students, Ahn is using loans to underwrite her education.
To make matters worse, she comes from Washington, not California, so she pays two and a half times as much as in-state tuition. And she pays it even though, as an underclassman, she?s still taking large-enrollment classes that cost the university much less to provide than smaller, upperclass courses and seminars.
It gives Ahn little consolation to know that some of her money is likely being used to subsidize the educations of her lower-income, in-state and junior and senior classmates.
?I?m not in a better financial position than any of the students I would be helping to subsidize,? said Ahn, whose anticipated major ? political science ? also is cheaper for the university to provide than majors for science and engineering students who, at UC Berkeley, are charged the same as she is. ?But I have an extra almost $10,000 that I still need to pay.?
More from The Hechinger Report
As a new academic year begins, growing scrutiny of record tuition and fees is drawing new attention to the longstanding cycle of subsidies like these on which American colleges and universities depend ? but which they would rather not discuss.
Rich kids subsidize poor kids. Out-of-state students subsidize in-state ones. Humanities majors subsidize science majors. Freshmen and sophomores subsidize juniors and seniors. Undergraduates subsidize graduate students. And international students subsidize everyone.
Now activists and legislators are pushing back against the Robin Hood-style use of some students? tuition revenues to pay for other students? financial aid. They?re pressing for different prices for different subjects based on the actual cost of instruction, and, in some states, even proposing an end to a perk under which taxpayers subsidize tuition for faculty children.
Still, many families and students seem as much in the dark about these practices as airline passengers who pay different fares for similar seats on the same flight to the same place.
?If you combine general financial illiteracy with the opaque nature of college financing, it?s surprising that anybody really knows what?s going on,? said Andrew Gillen, senior researcher at the American Council of Trustees and Alumni.
For universities, there?s an advantage in this, Gillen said: ?If somebody doesn?t know he?s paying more than the kid next to him, he doesn?t get upset.?
But if that student is paying full or nearly full tuition, higher-education experts said, it?s likely some of the money is going to lower-income classmates who aren?t.
?Schools have become more aggressive in this income-redistribution aspect of higher education,? said Richard Vedder, director of the Center for College Affordability and Productivity in Washington, D.C. ?There?s an economic-theory dimension to this, which is that there?s always a small class of students who have a lot of money, and the income-maximizing enrollment manager wants to zap it to these kids.?
At least 15 states have explicit policies under which some of the revenue from students who pay tuition at public universities goes to others who can?t cover the full cost, according to the State Higher Education Executive Officers, or SHEEO. In Arizona, for example, public universities channel about a quarter of tuition revenue into discounts, grants and other forms of financial aid. In North Carolina, at least 25 percent of money generated by any increase in tuition goes to such subsidies, while in California it is one-third of each tuition increase.
Donna Rosato of Money magazine talks about how to cut costs on college tuition and the strategies parents can use to make their child's bachelor's degree more affordable for the family.
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Critics say this penalizes not only full-tuition-paying, high-income parents and their students, but also middle-class families already being squeezed by escalating costs. In June, the Iowa Board of Regents ordered the practice to end in that state within five years. There, some $144 million a year in financial aid is redistributed to low-income students ? as well as high-achievers who don?t qualify for federal aid ? from the tuition their classmates pay. The regents called for the portion of tuition that now goes to truly needy students to be replaced by contributions from the universities? fundraising arms.
Similar appeals have come from the governor of Virginia, Arizona legislators and members of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors.
Since universities are also offering more scholarships to students with high grade-point averages and SAT scores, which elevates them in the all-important U.S. News & World Report college rankings ? and since many of those top students come from affluent families and don?t qualify for federal aid, Gillen said another trend is at work. ?Rich, dumb kids,? he said, ?are subsidizing rich, smart kids.?
Out-of-state students at public universities also are increasingly subsidizing in-state students. That?s because out-of-state tuition is almost always higher than in-state ? two and a half times as much for out-of-state than in-state students in the University of California system, for example. At the University of Virginia, out-of-state students pay almost twice what it actually costs to educate them; the rest helps pay for educating everybody else.
Numbers like that are why public universities are aggressively recruiting out-of-state students. About a third of students at the universities of Illinois, Virginia and Washington now come from out of state, and nearly 40 percent at the University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. At UC Berkeley, the proportion is nearly 30 percent, about six times what it was as recently as 2006. At UCLA and UCSD, almost one in every five students is from outside California.
So much in demand are out-of-state students that they?re more likely to be accepted for admission to both UC Berkeley and UCLA than in-state residents whose parents? taxes subsidize the universities. The California State University system recently announced that it would not accept in-state graduate students next spring; only out-of-state students, who pay more, are welcome to apply to Cal State graduate-degree programs.
International students also subsidize domestic ones. Eighty-one percent pay universities the full price, a much higher proportion than students generally, bringing in around $20 billion a year in tuition and living expenses, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Institute for International Education.
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Freshmen and sophomores, meanwhile, whose introductory courses are often taught in large groups in giant lecture halls with help from low-paid teaching assistants, subsidize juniors and seniors, who pay the same tuition but cost from one and a half to two times more to educate, according to a SHEEO survey based on research conducted in Florida, Illinois, New York and Ohio. A member of the faculty at UCLA has separately calculated that the disparity is even greater: Classes averaging 200 students, he found, cost about $56 per student to teach at public universities, compared to $560 per student in classes averaging 20 students. Yet all are charged the same amount.
?The big introductory lectures with 400 students, there?s a lot of profit in that class,? said Gillen. ?And that?s used to subsidize smaller seminars for the upperclass students.?
Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, talks with MSNBC's Alex Wagner and the NOW panel about the rising cost of tuition across America and the burden of student loans.
Some of the money also goes to graduate programs that are expensive to operate.
?At the large research universities, the subsidization of graduate students is monstrously large,? Vedder said. ?A student in a Ph.D. program sits in seminars of six and eight students taught by a professor making $150,000 a year and gets an extremely costly education. At the same university, the freshman who?s taking Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Economics, sitting in lectures of 400 people ? these kids are paying the same tuition.?
Undergraduates in low-cost disciplines such as the humanities and social sciences also help to pay for students in subjects that cost more to teach, including fine arts, agriculture, law and engineering, the Delta Cost Project on Postsecondary Education reports, since they, too, all pay identical tuition.
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A few universities are starting to charge different prices for different fields. At least 143 public universities now levy so-called differential tuition that varies by major and, in some cases, by year of enrollment, the Cornell Higher Education Research Institute found. The University of Maine, for instance, adds a $75 fee for engineering courses, and the University of Kentucky charges an extra $460 per semester for nursing students.
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FILE - In this April 30, 2012 file photo, Kim Kardashian from the show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" attends an E! Network upfront event at Gotham Hall in New York. Kardashian's lawsuit against Old Navy over an advertisement was dismissed Tuesday Aug. 28, 2012 after the two sides reached a settlement. Kardashian sued the retailer last year, claiming they violated her publicity rights by using a lookalike in an ad. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini, File)
FILE - In this April 30, 2012 file photo, Kim Kardashian from the show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" attends an E! Network upfront event at Gotham Hall in New York. Kardashian's lawsuit against Old Navy over an advertisement was dismissed Tuesday Aug. 28, 2012 after the two sides reached a settlement. Kardashian sued the retailer last year, claiming they violated her publicity rights by using a lookalike in an ad. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini, File)
FILE - In this April 30, 2012 file photo, Kim Kardashian from the show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" attends an E! Network upfront event at Gotham Hall in New York. Kardashian's lawsuit against Old Navy over an advertisement was dismissed Tuesday Aug. 28, 2012 after the two sides reached a settlement. Kardashian sued the retailer last year, claiming they violated her publicity rights by using a lookalike in an ad. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini, File)
LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Kim Kardashian has settled a lawsuit against Old Navy claiming the clothing retailer violated her publicity rights by using a lookalike in an ad.
Kardashian sued over the spot in July 2011, claiming the company's use of a model who looked like her might confuse consumers about her actual endorsements, which include a clothing store and shoe line.
No details about the settlement were filed with the court.
"The lawsuit was resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the parties," said the reality TV starlet's attorney Gary Hecker, who declined to elaborate.
A spokesperson for Old Navy parent company The Gap Inc. was not immediately available.
The lawsuit was over the commercial titled "Super C-U-T-E." The ad began airing in February 2011 and was still being used in some of the company's promotions months later, Kardashian's lawsuit stated.
It featured Canadian singer-model Melissa Molinaro, who an attorney for Old Navy said at a January hearing was famous in her own right. Her appearance in the ad wasn't intended to draw similarities to Kardashian, the retailer maintained.
Hecker contended that some news outlets and Twitter users noted similarities in the women's appearances.
Kardashian, 31, was seeking unspecified damages and an order barring Old Navy from using a lookalike model again.
Anthony McCartney can be reached at
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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actress Lindsay Lohan is being sought for questioning by Los Angeles police over a jewelry theft at the home of a friend, the Los Angeles Times reported on Tuesday, citing unnamed law enforcement sources.
The Times said police were expected to present a case to prosecutors as early as Tuesday to determine if there was enough evidence to file charges over a theft of watches. It was not immediately clear who was a suspect.
A spokesman for "Mean Girls" actress Lohan declined comment.
The incident surfaced in the media last week when celebrity website reported that the troubled actress and her assistant were guests at a home in the Hollywood Hills, and the owner later reported a theft to the Los Angeles police.
The Los Angeles Times said the owner of the watches is not cooperating with their investigation.
If Lohan, 26, is found to be involved in a theft, it could pose serious consequences for the actress who was released from almost five years of formal probation in March this year.
She is still on informal probation until 2014 from a jewelry theft case last year, and officials could revoke her probation and send her back to jail.
Lohan, who rose to fame as a child star in "The Parent Trap" and other movies, saw her once-promising career derailed by a 2007 drunk driving and cocaine possession arrest.
She has been trying to clean up her tarnished image since being released from formal probation, with guest roles on TV sketch comedy show "Saturday Night Live," a cameo on "Glee" and filming the Lifetime television movie "Liz & Dick."
(Reporting by Piya Sinha-Roy; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte and Matthew Lewis)
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TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney swept to the Republican presidential nomination Tuesday night at a storm-delayed national convention, every mention of his name cheered by delegates eager to propel him into a campaign to oust President Barack Obama in tough economic times.
Romney watched on television with his wife, Ann, at a hotel suite across the street from the hall as the convention sealed his hard-won victories in the primaries and caucuses of last winter.
"I read somewhere that Mitt and I have a "storybook marriage," she said in excerpts released in advance of a primetime speech meant to cast her multimillionaire-businessman-turned-politician husband in a soft and likable light. "Well, in the storybooks I read, there were never long, long, rainy winter afternoons in a house with five boys screaming at once."
"A storybook marriage? No, not at all. What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage," she said.
Aides said her husband of 43 years would be in the hall when she spoke.
A parade of convention speakers mocked Democratic incumbent Obama mercilessly from a made-for-television podium, as if to make up for lost time at an event postponed once and dogged still by Hurricane Isaac.
The Democratic president has "never run a company. He hasn't even run a garage sale or seen the inside of a lemonade stand," declared Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican Party.
"Mitt Romney will preserve this exceptional American legacy. Barack Obama will destroy it," said Janine Turner, an actress and radio host.
To send Romney and ticketmate Paul Ryan into the fall campaign, delegates approved a conservative platform that calls for tax cuts ? not government spending ? to stimulate the economy at a time of sluggish growth and 8.3 percent unemployment.
Polls make the race a close one, to be settled in a string of battleground states where neither Romney nor the president holds a secure advantage. More than $500 million has already been spent on television commercials by the two candidates, their parties and allied outside groups, with millions more to come.
Romney's convention victory was more than five years in the making. He was defeated in his first try for the nomination, in 2008, when he was assailed as a false conservative after a term as governor of Massachusetts.
This time, he had the most money, the largest organization and allies with the deepest pockets, all the better to bludgeon Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and other rivals in television ads across a string of hard-fought primaries and caucuses. Even so, conservatives were slow to warm to him, and it took longer than many anticipated for him to lock up the nomination.
Even at the convention, a residue of the struggle for the nomination was evident.
Texas Rep. Ron Paul, who never won a primary or caucus, drew several dozen delegate votes ? precisely how many were not announced from the podium. Earlier, his supporters chanted and booed after the convention adopted rules they opposed, but were powerless to block, to prevent those votes from being officially registered. "Shame on you," some of his supporters chanted from the floor.
Boehner, presiding over the roll call, made no attempt to have Romney's nomination made by acclamation, even though Ryan's was a few moments later.
The night was Romney's for sure, but some of the loudest cheers were accorded Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a hero among Republicans for fending off a labor-backed recall attempt last spring.
Convention planners squeezed two days of speeches and other convention business into one after scrapping Monday's scheduled opener because of fears that Isaac would make a direct hit on the Florida Gulf Coast.
That threat fizzled, but it was instantly replaced by another ? that Republicans would wind up holding a political celebration at the same time the storm turned its fury on New Orleans, devastated almost exactly seven years ago by Hurricane Katrina.
Romney's convention planners said they were in frequent contact with weather forecasters, but they declined to discuss what contingency plans, if any, they had to accelerate plans for him to deliver a formal acceptance speech Thursday night.
Ratification of a party platform was prelude to Romney's nomination, a document more conservative on abortion than the candidate.
On economic matters, it backs extension of the tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 and due to expire at year's end, without exception. It also calls for an additional 20 percent reduction in income tax brackets that Romney favors.
In a time of 8.3 percent unemployment and the slowest economic recovery in the post-World War II era, that went to the crux of the campaign for the White House.
By contrast, Obama wants to allow existing tax cuts to expire on upper income taxpayers, and has criticized Romney's overall economic plans as a boon to millionaires that would raise taxes on the middle class.
The GOP platform also pledges that a Republican-controlled Congress will repeal, and Romney will sign, legislation to repeal the health care legislation Obama won from a Democratic-controlled Congress. So, too, for the measure passed to regulate Wall Street in the wake of the 2008 economic collapse.
On abortion, the platform says, "The unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed."
Romney opposes abortions, except in cases of rape, incest, or when "the health and life of the mother" are at stake, he said in a convention week interview.
Obama, who accepts renomination at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., next week, campaigned in Iowa Tuesday as he set out on a tour of college campuses in battleground states in hopes of boosting voter registration among college students.
Before departing the White House, he made a point of appearing before reporters to announce the government's latest steps to help those in the way of Isaac. He signed a declaration of emergency for Mississippi and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local storm response efforts in the state.
His surrogates did their best to counter Romney and the Republicans.
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, dismissing GOP attempts to woo Hispanic voters, said, "You can't just trot out a brown face or a Spanish surname and expect people are going to vote for your party or your candidate." He added, "This is a party with a platform that calls for the self-deportation of 11 million people."
Hispanics strongly favor Obama, according to public polls, and Romney and his party have been seeking to win a bigger share of their votes by emphasizing proposals to fix the economy rather than ease their positions on immigration.
Associated Press writers Brian Bakst, Thomas Beaumont, Tamara Lush, Brendan Farrington, Julie Mazziotta, Steve Peoples, Kasie Hunt and Philip Elliott in Florida and Steven Ohlemacher, Alicia A. Caldwell and Jennifer Agiesta in Washington contributed to this report.
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Some chicken, pork and corn in the barbeque (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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Legal Intro
excellent - Many people mistakenly think that estate planning only requires the writing of the will. Estate planning, however, may also involve financial, tax, medical and business planning. A will is an element from the planning process, however you will require other documents too to fully address your estate planning needs.
In addition, there are lots of issues to think about in creating an estate plan. To start with, think about the next questions: What exactly are my assets and what is their approximate value? Whom should i wish to receive those assets-and when? Who should manage those assets easily cannot-either during my lifetime or after my death? Who ought to be in charge of caring for my minor children easily become unable to take care of them myself? Who should make decisions on my behalf concerning my care and welfare basically become not able to take care of myself? What do I want done with my remains once i die and where would i would like them buried, scattered or otherwise not laid unwind? Thus, through proper estate planning, you are able to determine: How by whom your assets will be managed to save you time on your lifetime if you ever become struggling to manage them yourself.. When and under what circumstances it's wise to distribute your assets during your lifetime. How also to whom your assets is going to be distributed after your death. How by whom your individual care will be managed and just how health care decisions will probably be made in your lifetime should you become not able to look after yourself.
Elder Law: Abuse Or Neglect
help - Elder abuse is definitely an intentional act (abuse) or a not enough knowledge/ability to offer choose to a mature person (neglect). Elder abuse can occur in a variety of ways in which include assaultive acts, neglect, financial exploitation and/or psychological or emotional mistreatment. An elderly individual is understood to be someone who is age 65 or older.
Assault includes causing pain and/or injury by molesting, slapping, bruising, forced sex, cutting, burning, restraining.
Neglect includes refusal or failure to offer adequate care, food, shelter, clothing, medicine, and/or medical aides (glasses, dentures, walkers).
Financial exploitation includes illegal or wrong use of income, credit cards, funds or another assets.
Psychological/emotional mistreatment includes mental suffering or despair due to name calling, yelling, insulting, ignoring, isolating, threatening, or demanding acts.
Abuse may also include the violation of basic rights like the to worship as one chooses, the right to assembly, the liberty to be left alone, and also the directly to handle one?s personal and financial affairs unless declared incapable of doing so by due technique of law.
Senior Legal Assistance: Estate Planning
A full time income Trust will help insure that your assets is going to be managed based on your wishes-even if you become struggling to manage them yourself.
In creating your living trust, you may serve as its trustee initially otherwise you may choose another person to do so. You are able to name a trustee to adopt on the trust's management to save you time if you happen to become unable or unwilling to manage it yourself. And also at your death, the trustee-similar towards the executor of your will-would then gather your assets, pay any debts, claims and taxes, and distribute your assets in accordance with your instructions. Unlike a will, however, this could all be done without court supervision or approval.
However, not everyone wants a living trust. Young married couples without significant assets and without children, who plan to leave their assets to each other once the first one dies do not require a living trust and would not benefit from using a living trust. Other persons who don't have significant assets and also have very easy estate plans also do not need an income trust. Finally, anyone that wants court supervision on the administration of their estate must not use a living trust. The higher the price of your assets (particularly if you own real-estate), the higher the need for an income trust. Having a living trust might be crucial in the wedding of an accident or sudden illness.
Guardianship Or Caregiver Agreements
legal - Conservatorship is a legal term discussing someone who has been deemed gravely disabled through the court and not able to meet their basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter. There are two kinds of conservatorships: Lanterman Petris-Short (Lanterman Petris Short act of 1967, referred to as LPS) and Probate conservatorships. They're governed from the state's individual laws. In California, they may be governed from the California Probate Code, and Welfare and Institutions Codes. Some states or jurisdictions it is known as a guardianship, or even a trustee, instead of a conservator.
Conservatorships are generally set up for severely mentally ill individuals who are gravely disabled, elderly individuals with Dementia or Alzheimer's who lack mental capacity, or people with developmental disabilities who may or may not lack mental capacity. Mental capacity has to be based on a medical physician or perhaps a psychiatrist familiar with the field and is also documented and presented to a legal court as evidence.
A restricted conservatorship usually identifies individuals who are developmentally disabled, plus they can retain more control over their personal affairs than other conservatees if they are capable. For instance, they might retain their directly to decide where they might live.
Having a basic understanding of the above-described processes, together with the appropriate documents and notes at hand, will help you when you meet with either an estate planning specialist or elder law specialist. It will also bring you a measure nearer to resolving any legal issues you may have - which often will minimize your dependence on attorneys. Perhaps, it'll even minimize family strife.
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3 hrs.
Rosa Golijan
Rumor is that Apple will hold a very special event on Sept. 12. The general assumption is that Apple will announce the next-generation iPhone and a smaller iPad, but now some are suggesting that the Cupertino-based company will wait until October to talk about what's being dubbed the "iPad Mini" or "iPad Air."
Let's be clear: We don't actually know if Apple is even working on a smaller iPad. All we have to go on are reports from anonymous sources and leaked?parts which are?allegedly?intended for this tablet. There's currently ?no official word from Apple confirming the existence of the iPad Mini. But where there's smoke, there's occasionally a fire.
Tech blogger/Apple watcher John Gruber ? who has a good track record when it comes to reasoning out details ? seems convinced that the smaller tablet is coming, but not until October.?
"I don?t think Apple would want reviews of both a new iPhone and new-size iPad appearing at the same time," Gruber?writes. "The iPhone is too big, too cool, and garners too much attention ? and it?s in Apple?s interest to keep that attention undiluted."
Instead of having two new devices share the stage in September, Apple will likely use the first or second week of October ??when it typically holds a music-themed event ??to unveil the new iPad (and perhaps some new iPod devices), Gruber speculates.?Jim Dalrymple, another well-connected tech writer and?Apple follower with a solid track-record on rumors,?is nodding along.?
"Oh, that Gruber is a smart fellow," he simply adds.
For what it's worth, we frequently reach out to the folks at Apple and ask them if they're feeling crazy enough to?chit-chat about their upcoming products, but as it's their policy not to address such rumors, we'll have to?keep speculating until the cows come home?? or until?the Apple executives?come to the Moscone Center.
Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.
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SLATs are a great way for married couples to utilize their current combined gift tax exemptions of $10.24 million, while retaining access to the gifted property should they need it.
If you want to maximize your estate tax savings under the current $5.12 million, don?t delay! The estate and gift-tax exemption is set to expire at the end of 2012.
So, how can spouses maximize their giveaways and still retain some takeaways when it comes to their wealth? Forbes recently considered this question in an article titled ?Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts--Use Your Gift Tax Exemption Without Giving It All Away.? The answer: a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust ? SLAT.
Essentially, with the SLAT approach, each spouse can give their respective $5.12 million exemption amounts into separate irrevocable trusts. However, each spouse also names the other as the SLAT beneficiary and other loved ones (their children, commonly) as secondary beneficiaries.
SLATs are a great way to maximize your estate tax savings while also maintaining access to your gifted property. With time running out for 2012, don?t miss this opportunity before the rules change next year!
Reference: Forbes (August 9, 2012) ?Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts--Use Your Gift Tax Exemption Without Giving It All Away?
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LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Salma Hayek says she is proud to be Mexican and that comments suggesting otherwise were "lost in translation."
The 45-year-old actress issued a statement Thursday after German Vogue magazine quoted her as saying she "hardly had any memories of what it is to be Mexican."
Hayek says she has never denied her background or culture, and has taught her young daughter to speak Spanish and appreciate Mexican history, music, food and folk art. She goes on to say that she has always tried "to represent my Mexican roots with honor and pride" and is saddened by the magazine's misinterpretation of her remarks.
Hayek plays the leader of a Mexican drug cartel in the Oliver Stone drama "Savages."
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Reports are starting to come in that state Apple and Samsung have been found guilty of infringing on each others patents by a Korean court. Apple has been found guilty of infringing 2 patents and will be hit with an import ban and a $35,000 fine. Samsung may also be facing a fine or ban for infringing on Apple's elastic scrolling patent, but the court ruled they didn't copy Apple designs or violate their trade dress.
Details are scarce at the moment, coming entirely from tweets and fragments by the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg. We'll update as the news becomes clearer and more complete.
Any Korean patent attorneys out there care to add some context and color to this?
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By NBC News staff
Egypt's health minister and a regional governor were locked inside a hospital room by villagers on Tuesday as they visited the area in response to reports of sickness caused by the drinking water, the BBC reported.
Mohammed Mustafa and Minufiya Gov. Ashraf Hilal were visiting sick villagers in Sunsaft when local people confronted them about the contaminated water. According to the BBC, villagers locked the hospital room door, showed them bottles of tap water and told them to "drink it."
About an hour later, police intervened and freed the two officials from the hospital.
Mustafa ordered the closure of unlicensed water sources in Sunsaft, the BBC reported, while Hilal suspended government employees in charge of the village's main water supply. The Daily News Egypt said the Ministry of Health has reported 56 severe cases, but the state-run news agency, Mena, estimated the number of those affected was more than 400, according to the BBC.
Symptoms included high fever, sever diarrhea and vomiting.
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In this photo taken Tuesday, July 17, 2012, a single family home is for sale in the Hollywood area of Los Angeles. Americans bought more homes in July than in June and prices rose, the latest evidence that the housing market is slowly recovering. Sales of previously occupied homes rose to 4.47 million in July, a 2.3 percent increase from the previous month, the National Association of Realtors said Wednesday. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
In this photo taken Tuesday, July 17, 2012, a single family home is for sale in the Hollywood area of Los Angeles. Americans bought more homes in July than in June and prices rose, the latest evidence that the housing market is slowly recovering. Sales of previously occupied homes rose to 4.47 million in July, a 2.3 percent increase from the previous month, the National Association of Realtors said Wednesday. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
In this Tuesday, July 17, 2012 photo, a Quick Response Code is used on Realtor ad offering "dream homes" in the Hollywood Hills area of Los Angeles. Americans bought more homes in July than in June and prices rose, the latest evidence that the housing market is slowly recovering. Sales of previously occupied homes rose to 4.47 million in July, a 2.3 percent increase from the previous month, the National Association of Realtors said Wednesday. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
WASHINGTON (AP) ? The recovery of the U.S. housing market is looking steadier and more sustainable, a trend that will likely add to economic growth in 2012 for the first time in seven years.
Purchases, construction and prices are gradually but consistently increasing, though they remain far below levels seen in a healthy economy.
Sales of previously occupied homes rose 2.3 percent in July from June to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.47 million, the National Association of Realtors said Wednesday. Over the past 12 months, sales have jumped more than 10 percent.
New-home sales have been strengthening, too. Toll Brothers, a builder of high-end homes, said Wednesday that it's enjoying its most sustained demand in more than five years.
The "evidence that the housing market is recovering ... is fairly clear across a wide range of reports," said John Ryding, an economist at RDQ Economics, a forecasting firm. Housing "is now becoming a small positive for the economic outlook."
That's a big change for an industry that has been a major drag on the economy since the housing bubble burst more than five years ago. Michelle Meyer, an economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, forecasts that home construction will add 0.2 percentage points to growth this year. That would make 2012 the first full calendar year in which housing has added to growth since 2005.
Other recent reports add to the picture of an improving housing market, though one that's recovering at a painfully slow and uneven pace.
Home prices are rising nationwide. They increased 2.2 percent from April to May, according to one leading index. That was the second straight increase after seven months of flat or declining prices.
The median U.S. home price rose 9.4 percent in July compared with a year earlier to $187,300, the Realtors' group said. That was the biggest annual gain in 6? years. One reason for the increase is that foreclosed homes, which usually sell at steep discounts, are making up a smaller proportion of sales than they did a year ago.
Builders, meanwhile, are growing more confident because they're seeing more traffic from potential buyers. An index of builder confidence rose to its highest level in five years in August.
Builders responded by applying for the largest number of building permits in nearly four years last month. They broke ground on slightly fewer new homes in July than in June. But that was after the number of housing starts had reached a 3?-year high in June.
In May, sales of new homes reached a two-year high, then declined in June. Economists are forecasting that sales rebounded slightly last month. The figures for July will be released Thursday.
Still, the housing market has a long way to go to reach a full recovery. Some economists forecast that sales of previously occupied homes will rise 8 percent this year to about 4.6 million. That's still well below the 5.5 million annual sales pace that is considered healthy.
But the trend remains positive. Modest economic growth and job gains are encouraging more Americans to buy homes. And homes are more affordable: Prices remain about one-third lower than they were at the peak of the housing bubble in 2006.
And home loan rates are near record lows: The average on a 30-year fixed-rate loan was 3.62 percent last week, mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said. Three weeks earlier, the rate was 3.49 percent, the lowest since long-term mortgages began in the 1950s.
Rising demand for luxury homes is contributing to higher sales. Recent stock market gains have added to wealthier Americans' spending power.
Sales of homes that cost $1 million or more rose 18.6 percent in July, the Realtors' group said. In July 2011, sales in that range had barely increased.
Toll Brothers' net income jumped 46 percent in the May-July quarter, the company said Wednesday.
"We are enjoying the most sustained demand we've experienced in over five years," CEO Douglas Yearley said.
The number of first-time homebuyers, critical to a housing rebound, rose to 34 percent of sales, up slightly from June. In a healthy market, first-time buyers make up about 40 percent of sales.
Purchases are being restrained by low levels of homes available for sale and tight credit standards, economists said. Many would-be buyers are having trouble qualifying for loans or can't afford larger down payments being required by banks. A Federal Reserve report last month showed that many banks tightened their mortgage credit standards this summer.
There were 2.4 million homes for sale in July, down 24 percent in the past year. That's helping to push up prices. It would take about 6.4 months to exhaust that supply at the current sales pace. That's just above the six months' inventory that typically exists in a healthy economy.
Hiring picked up a bit in July, which could support more home sales in the coming months. Job growth helps consumers feel more secure about their finances and typically encourages more of them to buy a house.
Employers added 163,000 jobs last month, the most since February. Job gains had averaged only 73,000 in the April-June quarters, raising fears that the economy was faltering and might even slip into recession.
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